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Youtube at its finest!

Dr. Stephen Daniel, professor at Appalachian State University, graced us with his presences to discuss about how Youtube works and how it could benefit us in our careers. He has done research on Youtube and their analytics for over 10 years, so I recommend that if you're interested in the video dream land, take his class! He did an excellent job lecturing on how Youtube could create an excellent platform to kick start your career to fame. However, there are some important things you must know before leaving to venture to the city of lights.

1. You want to create a visually appealing presence. The number one thing that he mentioned that would help was to have proper camera equipment. I know some don't have the money for the expensive ring lights and camera, but saving up the money would carry your career farther than you would think.

2. Add tags and get into the lime light! You always want to put your name out there, even if it was simple hashtags. The more the better. This way if people were look up something that had a similar appeal to your content, they would be able to see your posts!

3. Be consistent!! You always want to be actively posting. I know it might be difficult if you have a full time job or even a full time family, but for your content to be viewed you have to post regularly and of the similar content. It doesn't make much since for a beauty blog to all of a sudden start posting about gaming.

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